Understanding Trail Counts.
It seems as though there has always been controversy
about the use of a trail count that includes the smaller
connector trails, or portions of long trails, in the various
Snow and Conditions reports that are published. Some
people are concerned that including those smaller
connectors or portions creates an impression that there
is more open than there actually is.
This is not unique to Tremblant, it is typically an
industry wide practice.
Here's why experienced Mountain users know why it's a
good idea, even necessary, to include those small connectors
in the Open Trail listings at every Ski Resort...
But first...
Quotations from Tremblant.ca Facebook Fan Page after an
early season trail opening post:
" I wish Tremblant (and other mountains) would stop stretching
the truth about the number of runs open. In reality, there are 2
trails open (Petit Bonheur and Upper Nansen)."
Then this immediate relpy:
"yea whats with all the propaganda every year it seams to be the
same story"
Now for the explanation...
Trail names and Trail counts are components of a Geographically
defined Alpine Ski Resort and they are specific, regardless of size or
length so that the Ski Patrol and other Mountain users can identify
exact locations for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to,
rescuing you when you fall and are injured. This is not unique to
Tremblant, it applies to all Alpine Areas that operate lift devices.
Furthermore, it is our understanding that Via applicable legislation
and regulatory authority, it is the law.
Short connector trails are vitally important addresses
or intersections within the Alpine terrain of any Ski Resort
that allow pin-point accuracy in locating and attending at
incidents where the health of your life and limb may depend
upon quick action.
If this was for you, a precise location
means quick arrival.
If the Ski Patrol had to search the entire length of a 6.2 kilometer Trail,
without the accuracy of locational intersections to reach you on a timely
basis, you may risk permanent injury, or even worse.
If you know the connector trail "Short-Cuts" that are
open, you may have a big advantage in avoiding lift lines, traffic or just
quickly getting around.
Other trails may receive a "Race" designation
when being used for training or competition, which officially makes them
open, however, for the safety of the participants and the public, they
are restricted to participants only.
Some trails may receive a "Progressive" opening
status which means they are anticipated to be opened during the course
of that day. This is a notice to Mountain users that they can look for these
openings and begin to use them when the Patrol takes down the ropes and
opens them up(**).
((**)Please Note: Both “Progressive” and "Open" Trails can be Subject to Weather
and/or Safety, and/or Strategic Snow Resource Conservation/Management, Lift Service
Availability (for some examples), and may be Closed or prohibited from Opening without
notice, if the standards required are not met. Trails that are Officially Open can be
Closed at any time, then switched to Progressive Opening, or Re-Opened, without
notice, for any reasons the Ski Patrol deems valid. “Progressive” or “Open” Status
can not be considered an absolute due to factors that may be outside Human Control.
Dealing with the Powerful and sometimes sudden Forces of Nature can mean unexpected
delays or canceled Status.)
Otherwise, those of us who have been using the Mountain as we have
for over 40 years, not only understand the exact references of the
Trail names and counts, but we also appreciate them as they allow us
to navigate the Mountain with complete confidence in the manner in
which we proceed from "A" to "B".
Worth repeating:
If you know the connector trail "Short-Cuts" that are open, you may have
a big advantage in avoiding lift lines, traffic or just quickly getting around.
In the case of Tremblant, where there are just around 100 trails, you
can roughly use the open trail count as a percentage reference to the
total amount of terrain. This may be less applicable in either fall or
spring, when the open trail numbers are small, but non-the-less, it is
a good approximation.
Experience at Tremblant, or any other Ski Resort, will allow you take
advantage of the precise knowledge that an accurate and complete Trail
Inventory can provide.
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Understanding Trail Counts on Snow/Conditions Reports
Understanding Trail Counts on Snow/Conditions Reports
The Tremblant360.com Team