These are “Forums”, not Blogs. Questions Are Welcome!

Intended to benefit new and/or less frequent visitors with centralized quick access to basic, essential information that may be applicable to whatever aspect of the Tremblant experience they seek.

Current and archival content generated by questions submitted, Tremblant360 features, links.
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These are “Forums”, not Blogs. Questions Are Welcome!

Post by T360 »

These are “Forums”, not Blogs. Questions Are Welcome!

Some Reasons You Should Consider Signing Up And Participating.(*)

Forums seem to have fallen out of favour because they are not as “Hip”,
or “Cool” as Blogs, F/B, Twitter, Insta-G, Pin-T, Snap-Ct, Sqr, or whatever new
platform comes out that grabs everyones attention until a “Better Idea”
hits the internet, but....

Despite the short-term “Wow” factor that all these entities have for a
period of time, from the clinical standpoints of informational accuracy,
chronological sequencing, indexed order, topic continuity, subject matter
focus, undiluted content, or any other way of expressing the pure pursuit
of relevant intelligence, nothing comes even close to the ability of Forums
to facilitate User driven, optimized knowledge transfer.(**)

The Point Is:

This section of Tremblant360 with it’s multiple organized categories,
i.e., “General”, Spring Summer Fall”, Mountain Reports”, Tremblant
Geographic”, "Tremblant 101”, with potentially endless topics, has
interactive capability that can have great benefit when enhanced
with dialogue.

Here is an example:

Normal Conversation Is Good! Some of the best info. comes out
of very normal, topical conversation. We think the above is a really
good case-in-point of that.

“Sorry About That” in advance... We are not perfect, we are not professionally
trained Journalists, our staff is really small, some days we’re away, off with the
“Flu”, trying to juggle too much, diverted or otherwise not able to respond quickly
because of factors outside our control, so being totally human, we apologize in
advance if we experience any glitches. Feel free to give us a F/B “poke”, or a
“Tweet” as alternate contact/alert.

(*)Please Note: Forums have also been subject to misuse due to Spammers
Ranters, Those of “Ill-Intent", so before you fill out the on-line registration,
we require an email addressed to that includes a
brief “Hello” from you, as well as a duplicate/copy confirmation of the
“User Name”/“I.D.” you are registering with, to verify that you are a real person.
If we don’t respond in 24 hrs, give us a F/B Poke or a Tweet, if you want to
as an alternate/backup, contact/alert.

(**)Please Note: Our inspiration for format and content would be roughly
a folksy combination of Wikipedia and National Geographic, if you can imagine that.
We subscribe to the notion that there is no such thing as a stupid question and
we acknowledge that things that seem obvious to us, may not be obvious to you,
or that things that seem obvious to you are not to us, so as long as questions are
respectful and sincere, and comments are respectful and sincere, everyone benefits.

We also believe that if you have a question, there is a high probability that there
are others with the same or similar question, meaning all questions have value
somewhere across the range of #Tremblant interest(s).

People could be reading your entries and getting really useful insight
for years, so your input will become part of chronological Tremblant History!

Keep It Clean, Polite and what you would find Informative/Useful:

This is a Mum’s/Dad’s/Kid’s Family style site, so keep it clean and
diplomatically polite, a la Wiki, and we have this Normal Caveat where
we reserve the right to edit or delete inappropriate/obscene/discriminatory

The Team