What is “Orographic” Precipitation at Tremblant?

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What is “Orographic” Precipitation at Tremblant?

Post by T360 »


What Is “Orographic” Precipitation At Tremblant?

Within the T360 “Mountain Conditions” ski
reporting you will find frequent references to
“Orographic Precipitation" as either an explanation
for, or as a part of the description of, the components
of the conditions du jour.

The reason this is important is because it is
a reliable cause of snowfall over Tremblant
Mountain elevations that can substantially
exceed ground level forecast or actual
accumulation amounts.

See all included annotations below.


Tremblant.Orographic.Snowfall.Graphic.Description.a.jpg (1.29 MiB) Viewed 2692 times

As only one example of how Orographic precipitation
is identified as a component of ski conditions weather
forecasting see our daily conditions journal for
1/9/24(January 9th, 2024).

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