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2/6/19 #Tremblant Conditions

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:57 am
by T360
T360 Late Evening Apres Ski Edit Under Progressive Assembly @ 10:41 P.M.

We learned a lot about how the Mountain reacted to
the weather spanning from Monday night, through Tuesday
night and on to this morning. That weather sequence resulted
in a more pronounced icy component in its mix for today
and in that way we were wrong about the degree of softness
we thought would occur.

Firstly, the temp yesterday afternoon got down to -17C at
the Summit, but today the temp only reached -11C, and yet
the Trail Surfaces were substantially more solid and prone
to icy bits today. Why was it that different with a warmer day?

We think the answer lies in the quite rapid cooling that went
from Monday night’s +4 C(base level, so est. Summit @ 0C),
plus the warmth that rain brought, through to the drop to -17C
at last run, that as cool as it was, was not enough to refreeze the
heat softened top layers until well after the Mountain was closed.
This would help explain why despite the much cooler feeling
end-of-day air temp, we enjoyed such excellent carving right till
last run. Then of course, Mother Nature had all night to really work
with her magic cool wand, so by this morning, that residual heat that
had supported the all-day softness yesterday, was long gone.

It’s the Laws of Physics.

Considering the very evident and immense overnight effects,
Mountain Crews still managed to pull off a good functional
top layer for the whole area groomed today. No doubt, the
top layer was generally "refroze day 1 shallow", but with
carefully graduated turning force applied, it was still possible
to carve athletically, everywhere open. On top of that, there
was a considerable amount of afternoon snowfall, quite thickly
for the latter half. Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.6.19.Nansen.Bas.Snowy.Views.Over.Lower.Pitch.c.jpg (758.46 KiB) Viewed 1964 times
We say “generally” above because there were some really
“Above and Beyond” efforts made in select Expert terrain,
for which we have the following 2 Pic. example, Versant Nord,
North Side Trail #82, “Expo”.

Expo was winch groomed, and to the delight of Expert Expo
fans, they probably did multiple winch grooming passes, because
there was a substantially deeper top layer on this trail that had all-day
durability. That is an exceptional outcome for one of the Mountains
steepest runs to have all-day shredding on groomed results. Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.6.19.Expo.Quad.Views.Expo.Pitch.b.jpg (678.8 KiB) Viewed 1964 times
The following Expo Surface/performance detail pic. has had
major alterations of white balance, contrast, highlights and
definition in order to show both the reaction of the thickness
in the groomed top layer with the turning force being applied
through the Skis, and the particulate characteristics of the
groomed top layers as they lie on the surface and fly off the skis. Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.6.19.Expo.Quad.Views.Expo.Pitch.Snow Surface.Quality.c.jpg (559.83 KiB) Viewed 1964 times
It is quite clear to see the mixed, but mainly fine, as in small,
particle size within the snow being sprayed or displaced by the ski.
On the trail surface, if you look directly above the skiers head,
you’ll see a snowball size particle rolling down the hill, an inch
or two off the trail in the air, with its shadow underneath. That
was just about the biggest size, but they were easy to break up
and were not noticeable underfoot.

Whether or not there are more open trails remains to be seen
in the morning, however, another Night-Shift grooming cycle
tonight should be very positively noticeable tomorrow morning.

If traffic remains low, then trail surface quality should once again
have all-day durability, and the weather bonus of a -1C under a
sunny sky with light breezes, promises to make tomorrow an
exceptional, mild-winter Tremblant day!

Beyond tomorrow, it looks like we could have repeat of the last
short warm/wet cycle over Thursday night and Friday morning,
followed by an all-Winter, cool and at least a semi-sunny, weekend.

----------------------- 7:57 A.M. Orig. Post -------------------------

60(*) Open Trails On Versant Sud, South, and Versant Nord, North Sides at #Tremblant .

Sorry for the following bits of “Rant”,
but regarding yesterday, for reasons we explain below...

If Anyone Told You Tremblant Was Icy,
Clinically Speaking, They Were Wrong.

(**a)2.5.19.Ptit.Bonheur.Carve.This.Very.Fast.Technical.Snow.f.jpg Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.5.19.Ptit.Bonheur.Carve.This.Very.Fast.Technical.Snow.f.jpg (938.74 KiB) Viewed 2126 times
All We Did Yesterday Was "Grip It And Rip It!"

By Any Standards Of The 20th Century... and maybe up to
about 6 or 7 years ago, the post-rainy recovery at Tremblant
yesterday was like a miracle. Many people thought it would be
icy, and there was some ice out there for sure, but it was very
very small in square area compared to the vast majority that
was just super-dense, ultra-firm snow, and all it wanted to ski
with superb carving effectiveness as you can clearly see above,
was good, recently tuned, edges, on a torsionally stable ski.

This is not “Rocket Science”, and our gear is not new. They are
10 year old, but very high quality and very well maintained,
recreational Slalom Race profile Skis that were last tuned about
9 or 10 days of use ago, up to yesterday. They are one pair from
our collection of inexpensive, second-hand, Vintage Atomic Slalom
Race Skis that we use in rotation. The point is that you did not,
and do not, need any $$$$$$$.$$ “Big Buck” equipment(#) to have an
exceptional day at Tremblant, even if the Open Trails are reduced for
strategic management at this time.

So, if you heard it was “All Icy” at Tremblant, it was coming from
someone who either has junky, poorly tuned equipment, or poor
skills and no confidence, because we would fully and graciously
invite anyone who reads this and wants to prove it either way,
to meet us at the Summit after lunch today and follow us for
any number of laps or descents and we will demonstrate the
level of performance excellence that is present on virtually all
the Open, Groomed terrain, across all Skill Level Trail Ratings
from “Green Circle”(**a) To “Black Diamond”(**b).

(**b)2.5.19.Expo.Quad.Snow.Filtered.Views.Expo.Pitch.c.jpg Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.5.19.Expo.Quad.Snow.Filtered.Views.Expo.Pitch.c.jpg (883.89 KiB) Viewed 2123 times
What is Open and Groomed is in extraordinarily fine shape
considering all the recent weather and today should represent
another increment of upward quality refinement from yesterday,
so we fully expect Tremblant to be even more fun today.

(#) No “Rocker”, No “Fat”, no “Trendy” gear is needed or allowed.
You are Skiing the “East”, and you need basic tools that can handle
the versatile demands of the environments most common weather
and conditions elements from Powder, to, and especially, “Firm".

The proof is(a): Look at all the Instructors here at Tremblant.
Our observations are the largest single class of skis used
by senior Pro Ski Instructors here is far and away the “Recreational
Slalom Ski” profile.

The Proof is(b): Look at all the good Skiers here at Tremblant.
The people ripping up the slopes across all skill levels are typically
using some recreational version of Race Ski Technology, if not
actual race skis. Furthermore, all these “Good Skiers” you can
identify just by the way they demonstrate total and complete
speed and directional control, mange to do that in any Open Terrain,
(**a),(**b), Groomed, Un-Groomed, Steep, Gentle, Fast, Slow, Cruising,
Carved, Parallel, or any other variation of style or form, using Race derived
products because they have the one characteristic that sets them
apart from all that trendy “Consumer” stuff... genuine “Traction”,
i.e., reliable, any speed edge grip, especially on “Eastern” firm surfaces.

And Just A Reminder...

They Work In The Hors Piste Too...

(From 3 days ago): Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.3.19.Lowell.Thomas.Mid.Trail.Side.Proof.Of Snow.c.jpg (488.66 KiB) Viewed 2108 times
For The Record:

We have to state that if we could have taken everyone to one
trail yesterday to illustrate everything surprising and excellent,
it would have been a “GS” style run down Versant Soleil, Algonquin.

This trail came alive with speed yesterday and its smoothness and grip
very close to perfect for the entire descent. It was close to “Nirvanic”,
if there is such a word, and other than a dozen or so skating strides
across the mid-level plateau, it was rocket fast everywhere, and with
no visible evidence that any human being had been there all day.

Views.At.S.Curves.Above.Mid.Plateau.c.jpg Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.5.19.Soleil.Sector.Algonquin.Near.Perfect.and.Awsome.GS.Fast.Views.At.S.Curves.Above.Mid.Plateau.c.jpg (558.3 KiB) Viewed 2080 times

Having fun and effective performance versatility for the
complete range of “Eastern” conditions can be done very
simply for any Skill Levels, and any days the Mountain is Open,
and we respectfully submit that the actual amount of “Icy”, now
or any other time, is a fraction of what those who don’t have the
gear, tuning, or skills, are telling you.

If your Skis/Board have not had recent(10-15 Days use) tuning...

GoTo: The Ski Shop in the Chalet Des Voyageurs, at the base
of the Cabriolet.

Otherwise, and figuratively speaking,
you’re bringing a Pea-Shooter to a Gunfight. Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
3.1.18.Tremblant.Le.Ski.Shop.Wintersteiger.Discovery.II.CNC.Edge.Dress.Ski.Tuning.d.jpg (752.4 KiB) Viewed 2095 times
Weather Notes:

For today, Warmer And Snowy... we’ll take that!

The early indication for partially sunny does not look
realistically possible from the Old Village of Mont Tremblant
POV, where there may be a certain amount of brightness,
but the overcast has that “All Day” look as if it’s not going
to be going anywhere soon?
2.6.19.Weather.Data.a.jpg (180.19 KiB) Viewed 2088 times
The weather surprised us yesterday, maybe today as well?

2.5.19.Beauchemin.Bas.Lower.Top.Plateau.To.Edge.Ent.c.jpg Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.5.19.Beauchemin.Bas.Lower.Top.Plateau.To.Edge.Ent.c.jpg (281.15 KiB) Viewed 2024 times
Conditions Notes:

The possibility exists that the Open Trails List could change today.

Be sure to periodically check with Summit Info.Ski Crews for
the latest updates.

2.5.19.Summit.Snowy.Views.Info.Ski.Over.Lowell.T.Quad.c.jpg Photo. All Rights Reserved. Photo. All Rights Reserved.
2.5.19.Summit.Snowy.Views.Info.Ski.Over.Lowell.T.Quad.c.jpg (787.24 KiB) Viewed 2051 times
60(*)Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open Trails,
Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for February 6, 2019, Courtesy of
Archival Copy of Official Open Trails,<br />Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions Courtesy of
Archival Copy of Official Open Trails,
Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions Courtesy of
2.6.19.Trail.Status.Data.a.jpg (375.11 KiB) Viewed 2127 times
Again, Sorry for the bit of “Rant” on the conditions and skis,
but we heard a lot of “Icy” feedback Apres Ski yesterday and
we feel very strongly that it’s not fair, and not true.

Tremblant Mountain Op’s did an absolutely Heroic grooming
recovery effort that was roughly 90% effective on Day 1, and
Day 2, today, should be an incremental step up and beyond,
so we think today should be excellent as well.

All it wants for you to experience that excellence is
to bring good edges.

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