I would like to introduce you to Annie Tasse.
Writing this article has turned out to be more difficult that I expected. I have gone through a few draft copies that have been changed, then changed again. The reasons for this are complex, but a big one is not knowing exactly where to start.
Do I start with her talent, which would be logical because this is a feature about her work? Or, do I start with a look at Annie Tasse, a woman of remarkable sensitivities and heart, the story behind her art? This too would be a logical place to start because I believe her art reflects the rich, deep layers of her personality and inspirations.
To begin with, I am an enthusiastic supporter of Annie Tasse, both as an artist and a person, so perhaps the answer concerning “where to start”, is with both.
As I have gotten to know her better, I have come to a greater sense of appreciation for her that I have not made any secrets about and it is my privilege to be able to help raise awareness of her talents, and who she is, within this article.
Of course, enthusiasm for someone who besides being talented is also beautiful, elegant and single can lead to misunderstandings, but, from the very beginning, I explained this to all my family and friends… the context for my regard for her is borne of respect.
This respect applies to her talent as an artist, which is undeniable, but it also extends to a respect for her as a someone who possesses a most remarkable character of perseverance and sensitivity.
While the primary goal of this review is to present to you a sample of the fine art of Annie Tasse, a secondary goal of this review would be to bring you, the reader, to an understanding of Annie Tasse, the person, prior to seeing her works. Then, when you have the opportunity to see them first hand, you will be able to see them in the right light, having a bit of background on their gifted creator.
Annie Tasse is an easy person to talk with, the warmth of her expression is immediately apparent. While she may seem a bit quiet to begin with, she is a naturally modest person and as soon as she smiles any sense of reserve quickly melts away. If you are lucky enough to spend time conversing with Annie Tasse, it will not take you long to see that you are speaking with an intelligent woman who is a keen observer, who is very much aware and inspired by the richness, joys, and challenges of life.
Annie shares the ability of all talented artists to convert both the joys and the challenges of life into inspirations for the canvas. When it comes to challenges, she chooses to portray those inspirations within the framework of the positive “silver linings” that she sees naturally when she looks past any particular challenge or adversity. This positive attitude in the face of challenge is clearly evident in the works and provenance she has selected to include here. Annie intuitively sets an excellent example of turning all her challenges into wonderfully positive fine art.
With regard to her technique, and no matter what the source of her inspiration is, it is her natural aptitude for balance with colours and composition that capture the viewer’s eye initially. This alone generates tremendous respect for her talent as an artist, but considering what has already been discussed on the personal side, for me, this is a case where being fortunate enough to know the artist as a person leads to an additional sense of appreciation for her work.
Annie Tasse’s visions come to life on her canvas with a unique energy, boldness, symmetry and depth, yet there is also a playful or wistful fantasy element that shows through where she is inspired, and that adds to her remarkable range of talent that is so clearly evident in her portfolio. She is not afraid to render her expressive talents on large canvases either, so many of her most striking efforts are on a grand scale.
As you look upon her works here, considering that photographs rarely do their subjects justice, I hope that you will see enough of the wonderful imagery that makes the art of Annie Tasse so appealing. Of course, the best way to see the beauty of Annie’s work is to visit her galleries at CoteCreations, in the Tremblant resort village, or at Le Balcon D’Art, in Montreal. See also: www.annietasse.com
The following paintings are complete with the artist’s comments in both French and English.
Please note, the English versions have the benefit of some additional depth as a result of direct communication between the artist and the writer.
Titre/ Title : Where are you from?
- Artiste: Annie Tassé
- Dimension: 48 x 36
- Medium: Acrylique
Provenance as follows:
En Francais:
Je mange beaucoup de fruits et j aime bien les petits fruits…En regardant d où proviennent tous ces fruits, on retrouve a l épicerie des petits fruits même au mois de janvier au Québec…mais c est juste pour faire une anecdote sur le pays de provenance et la continuité de la collection de mes Natures Ludiques.
In English:
From our Artist’s “Natures Fun” collection. Inspired by a perfect, happy, energetic and passionate time with not only personal success for our Artist, but success she shared with her friends as painters, our Artist is using her imagination to create a collection of works in an atmosphere of personal joy and contentment. Perfect timing and all the ingredients to be at a personal high point in life.
Fruits and Berries are some of our artists favorites. Even in January, you can find a good variety in Quebec grocery stores, but when you look at the labels, you can see that they have had to travel a long way to get to us from many different places, so when they finally meet to be mixed at our table, you can imagine they might ask one another … “Where Are You From?”
Titre/ Title : L étang de mon coeur
- Artiste: Annie Tassé
- Dimension: 60 x 72
- Medium: Acrylique
Provenance as follows:
En Francais:
Tout simplement, cela représente l état de mon cœur, – l étang de mon cœur -l été passé.
Déchiré entre l amour, le travaille et mes ambitions….mais inspiré par une vue magnifique sur la rivière du Lac Gagnon, en kayak avec mon chien Sunny.
In English:
Quite simply, it represents the state of our artist’s heart, – “the lake of my heart-the summer”.
Torn between love, work and her ambitions …. even though she faces complicated personal circumstances, she knows it is the right thing for her to take some quiet time at home. During this time there she is inspired by a magnificent view of the river du Lac Gagnon, while kayaking with her dog Sunny. Mother Nature presents her with an unexpected surprise, a wonderful scene of light reflected through the river with water lilies. At that moment, she can visualize the painting in her mind.
Titre/ Title : Angel’s Cake
- Artiste: Annie Tassé
- Dimension: 30 x 60
- Medium: Acrylique
Provenance as follows:
En Francais:
Un séjour, (de recherche de soi..) dans l ouest canadien, une visite chez ma sœur et mes neveux que j adore …j ai produit ce gâteaux entouré d anges, il faut que je le précise.
In English:
The “Angel`s Cake“ A good effort for our Artist after a summer of tears. In search of hope, healing, a personal change and rejuvenation, our Artist sets out to drive her car on a Cross-Country trip to see new horizons and spend time with her sister and family who live in Alberta. Spending time with her 3 nephews that she adores, and her sister who is very supportive, our Artist is encouraged by her family to start some paintings, including this one with Angels surrounding her. She is very grateful for both the support and inspiration.
Titre/ Title : Enjoy the Flavors
- Artiste: Annie Tassé
- Dimension: 30 x 60
- Medium: Acrylique
Provenance as follows:
En Francais:
Une journée inspirée, pleine d espoir, de positif, de rayons de soleil et de bonnes choses pour l âme ! Voila!
In English:
A day inspired, full of hope, positive rays of sunshine and good things for the soul! Voila!
Fri, Aug 14, 2009
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