Chantale Germain, Tremblant Tour de Lance Rider

Chantale Germain, Tremblant Tour de Lance Rider

The Tour de Lance will be returning to Mont-Tremblant on Friday, September 11th, for its second year! The Cedars Cancer Institute and The McGill University Health Centre are teaming up with Lance Armstrong and a select group of riders who’ve committed to raising $25,000 each, to help in the fight against cancer. Proceeds from the Tour de Lance will purchase life saving, state-of-the-art equipment that will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer at CCI and MUHC.

Chantale Germain was among the crowd that cheered Lance and participants as they set out from last year’s event. Chantale, a local sales & marketing Director at Hotel Quintessence, who has participated in a number of other charity relays for cancer in recent years, was so inspired by the event that she set out to join the ride in an effort to surpass the $25,000 goal for this year’s Tour de Lance. recently had the opportunity to ask Chantale Germain about her efforts in this year’s Tour de Lance (answers in both Français / English):

Bonjour Chantale,

What inspired you to participate in the Tour de Lance? L’Homme, le combattant, celui qui fonce qui ne se laisse pas se décourager. L’athlète qui accepte l’inconfort et a souffrance pour améliorer sa discipline. Son esprit indomptable. Parallèlement à la maladie, amasser de précieux don. The man. A fighter who goes on and doesn’t allow himself to become discouraged. The athlete, who ignores discomfort and difficulty, who strives to be the best. His indomitable spirit. I am also driven to raise funds for the fight.

You’ve participated in several charity relays over the past few years, many of which have been very challenging. What motivates you to keep going when you get tired? Les gens atteint que je connais qui se battent sans jamais baisser les bras.  Ceux qui font tout ce dont ils sont capable, qui reste positif malgré tout. Leur famille et amis qui les accompagnent et ma volonté de faire une différence dans la lutte contre le cancer. I am motived by the courage shown by the people I have met who are fighting Cancer, by the people who do everything they can and remain positive. I am motivated by their friends and families and my own desire to make a difference in the fight.

What have you done (in terms of training) to prepare for this year’s Tour de Lance? J’ai simplement continuer mon entraînement habituel et me suis reposée aussi ! I have trained like I always do and rested up for the ride.

What advice do you have for anyone who’s considering participating in the Tour de Lance? Débutez votre levée de fond immédiatement, c’est beaucoup 25 000$! Start raising money now, $25,000 is a lot of money but know that you’re going to make a difference!

What fundraising goals have you set, or what fundraising events do you plan on attending over the next year? Puisque j’ai commencé en juin, la levée de fond, mon but était simplement d’attendre le 25 000$… et je le surpasserai.  J’ai vaincu mon Everest au Mont Sainte-Anne pour la Fondation du Cancer du Sein du Québec, je referai ma marche de 24h à partir de Montréal vers Tremblant en décembre afin d’amasser de précieux dons pour la Fondation de Cancérologie Charles Bruneau. Since I began in June, my goal was to raise $25,000 and I will.  I will be at Mont-Ste-Anne for the « J’ai vaincu mon Everest” and in December, I will be walking from Montreal to Tremblant for the Tremblant 24hrs to raise funds for the Fondation de Cancérologie Charles Bruneau.

Participants are required to raise a minimum of $25,000. Are there any people you’d like to thank for helping you reach your goal? OUI ! Tout mon amour va à la famille Chapdelaine et à leurs amis. L’équipe de l’hôtel Quintessence pour leur participation au jeudi 5 à 7 « Mellow Yellow » Merci aux généreux donateurs. Merci à ma famille. Merci à mes amis d’avoir cru en moi depuis le début. Merci à Sean de m’avoir demandé … »What are you doing on September 11th » ! Absolutely! My thoughts and many thanks go the Chapdelaine family and friends. Thanks for the incredible support from the Hotel Quintessence via the Mellow Yellow Cocktail parties. Thank you to all who participated and who gave generously. Thank you to family. To my friends who have always believed in me and who never doubted I would make it! Thanks to Sean for asking “What are you doing on September 11th?”.

If we are fortunate enough to have Lance come back next year, do you plan on participating in next year’s Tour de Lance? We never know…! Hmmm… We’ll see…

If you could ask Lance just one question, what would it be? “What are you doing in February 2011?”  Je veux atteindre le sommet de l’Aconcagua afin de rendre hommage aux gens qui sont atteint du cancer. “What are you doing in February 2011? I want to climb the summit of Aconcagua to continue to raise funds and awareness for the fight against cancer. I ride with you and you climb with me! hi!hi!

If you could dedicate your ride to someone, who would it be? Larry Chapdelaine et sa famille. Larry est parti juste avant que nous puissions réaliser son rêve de rencontrer Lance. My ride is dedicated to Larry Chapdelaine and his family. I’m sad to say that Larry left us just days short of being able to realize one of his dreams; to meet Lance Armstrong.

Merci Chantale!

You can find more information about Chantale and her efforts by clicking here. Or you can make a direct contribution to her ride in this year’s Tour de Lance by clicking here. Chantale will also be selling yellow cowbells to spectators leading up to the event on Friday morning at the Hotel Quintessance for donations of $20. So come out, buy a cowbell and show your support!

Check back soon for more event details and coverage of the 2009 Tour de Lance!

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One Response to “Chantale Germain, Tremblant Tour de Lance Rider”


  1. […] Read more about rider Chantale Germain’s efforts in our pre-event interview here. […]

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