Getting started with’s Chat Forums is quick, easy and free! More importantly, it’s a great place to connect with Tremblant’s online community. Chat with other Tremblant enthusiasts, tell us about that amazing run, or ask questions. It’s up to you!
You can find out how to get started by following the quick set of simple directions listed below. We’ve listed steps for how to register, post your first topic, and edit your account details. Get involved, and… Express your Tremblant!
Steps for registering a new account:
Beginning from the homepage menu bar:
1. Click on “Forums”, which will take you to Tremblant360’s main forum page,
2. Click on “Register” in the forum’s navbar,
3. Agree to the terms of use,
4. Fill out your user registration, and submit… that’s it, you’re done!
– Tip – You’ll be sent an e-mail with your login and password. If by some chance you don’t see it, check your e-mail client’s spam folder to see if it was accidentally put there. If you ever loose your password, you can retrieve it using your email address from the forum’s login page.
How to post in the forum:
1. Each time you want to participate in the forums, you’ll need to login to your account by clicking on the “Login” button in the forum’s navbar. Similarly, you can select “Logout” from the same spot after your session,
2. To start a new topic, or ask a question, you’ll need to begin by selecting the appropriate forum,
3. Then click on “New Topic” to start a new thread. Similarly, if you wanted to reply to someone’s topic, you would click on “Post Reply”, found above and below the thread,
4. Write and format your post, then select either “Preview, Submit, Save or Cancel”. That’s it!
How to edit your account details:
1. Login to your account as you normally would,
2. Select “User Control Panel” from the forum’s navbar,
3. From the “Options” column on the left, edit whichever account settings you’d like to change and then save your changes.
– Tip – Adding a small thumbnail image to your account (known as an avatar) is a nice way to customize your profile. Within your account options, select “Profile” > “Edit Avatar”. Choose an image to upload (with max dimensions of 90 x 90 pixels, and is 6kb or less in size), then click submit.
We’re here to help!
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask us in the forums. We’d be glad to help you… Express your Tremblant!