Tremblant History Circa 1940’s

People and Places around the Mountain.

This section is primarily Photographic, featuring large size
images with supporting text where necessary.
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Tremblant History Circa 1940’s

Post by T360 »

We periodically scan some of the popular on-line trading sites
for Archive worthy Tremblant images of historical perspective.

Cameras of the day were often large bulky objects, so there seemed
to have been very few who carried them for snap shots as they would
have been very cumbersome and difficult to Ski with. Consequently,
many of the surviving images are those of Post Cards.

While the purpose of a Post Card was primarily to mailed somewhere, we
think it’s interesting that many of them were collected as personal keepsake
photos and never saw the inside of a post office or the damage that could
and often did occur to them in the process of mailing and delivery.

The possibility also exists that they were purchased with the best of intentions
to be written on and mailed, but that those intentions were never fulfilled
due to any number of reasons, for examples, Apres Ski fatigue, decided to spend
the evening in the bar with friends instead of writing home to the folks, set them
with the luggage and they got packed away...

In the final analysis, what really matters is that they survived, and despite
whatever interesting stories they could tell about how they got to this point,
they are excellent windows into the look and feel of Tremblant throughout
its post 1939 history.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 10.13.15 AM.jpg (276.8 KiB) Viewed 4387 times

One of the clues(besides the clothing style, see below) into the date/era of these
images which we’re guessing to be 1940’s, are that they are by todays standards,
special effects, but perhaps by the standards of those years gone by, the
latest and greatest way to colourize on a practical basis.

Certainly colour photography existed but we’re theorizing there was a technology
gap between the advent of colour printing on an individual basis versus mass
production and expense, so it seems manufactures experimented with ways to
colour, but were trying to do so without the cost.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 12.44.38 PM.jpg (320.86 KiB) Viewed 4387 times

Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 12.41.43 PM.jpg (357.16 KiB) Viewed 4387 times

Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Archival Tremblant History Image Capture.
Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 12.42.09 PM.jpg (196.14 KiB) Viewed 4387 times
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