74(*) Open Trails On Sud/South, Nord/North and Soleil Sectors At #Tremblant .
Proof Of March "Out Like A Lion”(#).
The Return Of Authentic, Snow White Winter Conditions.
Seasonal Snowfall Accumulation Data Point:
At 441cm’s, Tremblant Is Now Over The 27 Year Historic 435cm’s Average.
(#)This is a loose interpretation of the “In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion”
ancient weather observation often applied to March weather cycles
because we are not exactly at the end of March yet and furthermore,
it probably will get warm again, but at least we are just about touching
into the last week of March. So, from a generalized, approximate,
roughly speaking overview, we are seeing a winter-like reset after
a very warm initiation back 3 weeks ago and on that basis, an “Out
Like A Lion” profile.
---------------- 9:18 A.M. Insert Update: -----------------
This is not just “Winter-Like”, these are genuine “Arctic-Like” early
morning conditions. At -17C, then adding the overall descent speed
wind-chill values with actual wind gust velocities in excess of 50 KMPH,
your Net Forward Airspeed total wind-chill exposure level can exceed -30C.
Weather Notes:
The past couple of days, as well as into tomorrow are
more what we’d see commonly in February temps, but
very much appreciated now for the re-boot of the frost
injection back into the core of the Mountain’s mass
that is going to absolutely help retain trail base quality
until last run in April. Any period of cold at this stage is
a really useful element in holding the chill in the hill,
a vital component of durability.
Another major asset looking forward is the continued
projection of Sub-Zero C overnights at cooler Mountain
elevations every single night of the 14 day long range
outlook. This daily Below/Above Zero C will generate
the common Spring firm mornings/soft afternoons, so
for optimized full-day performance you’re going to want
to bring fresh, sharp edges for the “firm mornings” part
and waxed bases for the “soft afternoons”. Get that
done now so you’re ready for action.
Conditions Notes:
In The Groomed:
Schizophrenic, Bi-Polar Conditions where both Excellent and Raw
could be found, depending on wind-facing exposures or lee-side
backfill drift-in.
All initial explorations should be undertaken with a keen
sense of observation for wind pattern effects that may
generate either sector-wide and/or topographically localized
challenge above rated trail signage. Icy base conditions may
tend to prevail where ever the frontal facing wind has been
able to work over many, many hours to inhibit accumulations
on wide open spaces.
On the flip-side, there will also be zones of extraordinary
excellence where the combination of grooming and lee-side
drift coverage can generate vast expanses of pure snow white
winter magic.
It may be a challenge to dress for, but the deja-vu sort-of
retro glimpse back into winter will be a beautiful thing for
those who enjoy and are prepared.
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:
Much the same in the ways of either wind facing
or lee-side drift-in, however the lee-side drift-in
benefit could generate some really extraordinary
conditions due to the amplification of depths
above and beyond the official 13cm’s snowfall.
We can tell you for a fact that there will be localized
contour wind and drifting features that may reach
up to double the stat total. Your Expert mission is
to explore responsibly to find them.
It’s a bit unfortunate that the Edge sector is off-line
but 2 things for sure, there will be great conditions
there if open for the weekend, and... there will be
climbers there today.
---------------- 3:46 P.M. Insert Update: -----------------
74/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 21, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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3/21/24 #Tremblant Conditions
3/21/24 #Tremblant Conditions
The Tremblant360.com Team