80/102(*) Open Trails.
------------- 11:16 A.M. Insert Update: -------------------
82(*) REVISED Open Trails.
Archival Data Attached Below.
A Rare Late Season Treat...
Winter’s Flashback !
It’s been near or double digit minus “C’s” for 6 complete
sequential days and that qualifies in our books as a genuine
mid-winter flashback in the 4th week of March. This temp
profile would be more common in Mid-January, or mid-February
but we’re ever-so-thankful for it now because of it’s physical
reset of the frost level in the mass of the Mountain after the
“In Like A Lamb” heat of early March. In our opinion, this is
going to effect retained trail snow coverage for at least the
next two weeks, maybe more if the overnight lows help
propel the benefits forward.
Weather Notes:
Our 6 days of winter re-boot are about to come to an end...
What we’re seeing here is the end of a 6 day cold snap that
has certainly put some chill back in the hill. Frankly, we’ve
needed every single second of it. When you consider the
erosive heat of early March, and the heat that’s coming
back in the 14 day long range forecast below, this period
of very cold(for March anyway), is a seasonal lifesaver as
far as we’re concerned. It represents a literal mechanical
advantage where injected cold into the conical mass of
the Mountain will act as a time-released stored refrigerant
over the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, it’s going to be very photogenic!
Conditions Notes:
Superb, authentic, Mid-Winter skiing conditions
in the 4th week of March.
In The Groomed:
High levels of refined quality as the result
of over 40cm’s of fresh snow and solidly
sub-zero C’s for 6 consecutive days with
expert grooming by some of the most
highly qualified and experienced equipment
operators in the Ski Resort industry.
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:
This group is a basic repeat from yesterday where....
42cm’s of fresh snowfall in the last week is obviously
going to have a profoundly positive effect within these
categories, however there are definitely going to be
zones of extreme favour generated by strong winds
that shaped the way the snow was laid down over
the Mountains topographical contours.
Consequently there will be sectors of excellence,
as well as sectors of raw, all with the potential to
have variable chances of hazard within any given
descent path. All of these categories are still very
much Expert skills and experience required and
with very careful attention to hand posted Ski Patrol
signage that must be taken seriously.
If there’s going to be a difference in the Sous Bois
group from yesterday it may be in the traffic wear
factors, it’s a beautiful spring weekend. Just use
your head and slow speeds for all initial explorations.
-------------- 11:27 A.M. Insert Update: ----------------
80/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 24, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
------------- 11:16 A.M. Insert Update: -------------------
82(*) REVISED Open Trails.
Archival Data Attached Below.
82/102(*) REVISED Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 24, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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