53(*) Open Trails.
Many, Many Wild Cards...
The official snowfall accumulations for the
past 36 hours or so of the current winter
storm are shown at 13cm’s, however we
can tell you for a fact that due to wind
shaped drifting, there will be localized
topographical zones on the Mountain
that may be up to double that amount.
They will not be everywhere, and there
will also be some corresponding wind
exposed zones where the frontal velocity
force generated by peak gusts of over 60KMPH
will have generated icy base exposures.
You’ll need to be ready for anything...
--------------- 9:27 A.M. Insert Update: ------------------
Weather Notes:
------------- Supplemental Current Weather Data: ---------------
--------------- 11:27 A.M. Insert Update: ---------------
Conditions Notes:
The Order Of The Day:
Cautious explorations with an eye for patterns
that can help you anticipate descent encounters
with variable degrees of new snow or wind exposed
base. Another way to say might be that you’ll find
both slip and grip on almost every run.
The wind that delivered the new snow was so vigorous
that it may have created vortices of localized favour or
disfavour, all within one line down the pitch and around
the corner, so-to-speak and you’ll need to be highly
adaptive on the fly to optimize safety.
No problem, right? This is where you realize that having
a repertoire of techniques that can be strung together
in a spontaneous way may be very useful in the pursuit
of the adaptability we speak of above.
The key to all of it is low initial speeds. Anything you
run across or into is going to way, way easier to react
with if your speed is low.
------------ 3:38 P.M. Insert Update: --------------
53/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for April 5, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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