47(*) Open Trails.
----------- Apres Ski 6:56 P.M. End-Of-Day Archival Update: ----------------
Please Note: This REVISED Open Trail Listing Occurred Sometime
During Mid-Day Open Hours. We are adding it herein/below for
the archival accuracy of the daily record.
42(*) REVISED Open Trails.
Archival Data Attached Below.
What We’re Watching Is A Mother Nature Disappearing Act...
First, it starts in the bush...
Yesterday morning at 6:59 A.M., we forecast the
imminent closure of Soleil sector as a consequence
of the thaw occurring at the trail base runout.
That actually occurred during morning hours at 11:00 A.M..
This is typical of any and every ultimate spring weather
influence so we can expect to maybe see some additional
reductions, especially in the Sud/South terrain due to the
combination of ambient warm air temps with direct solar
intensity. That’s the way it goes so if you want to get in
some final turns for the season, “sooner” is better than
“later” if you want the most variety.
Weather Notes:
But Fear Not Dear Tremblant Spring Skiing Fans!!!
There’s Still Plenty Of...
"Shred This”, Fabulous Soft Spring Performance!
Not only are the crowds light, but what our spring
bump Experts are noticing is the relatively low
snowboard population. This is not a criticism,
just an observation, but the consequence is that
for experienced spring skiers the moguls are
favourably shaped for a typical skiers descent
rhythm where the difference is in less in the way
of irregular, cross-chopped contour lines.
Conditions Notes:
Sustained, round-the-clock “+” C temps are going
to predictably carry softness across the entire open
array so for optimized glide with minimal hydrodynamic
drag you want to wax or coat ski/board bases with
warm snow temp wax or a hydrophobic coating.
Gravity may be a huge asset in maintaining reasonable
forward velocity and with the inherent softness of
spring snow, steeper challenges may be easy and
forgiving for those who want to either add or practice
their spring specific skills.
The only other thing to do is to watch for, and learn
to identify saturation zones by either/both the distinctive
grey colour or by anticipating them in shallow ground
contours where they may be lurking just below the
These saturation zones can be the physical equivalent
of throwing out the anchor while at high speed. The
consequence is your skis may want to dramatically,
and instantly slow, while the momentum of your upper
body keeps moving. The results can be head-over-heels.
47/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for April 10, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
----------- Apres Ski 6:56 P.M. End-Of-Day Archival Update: ----------------
Please Note: This REVISED Open Trail Listing Occurred Sometime
During Mid-Day Open Hours. We are adding it herein/below for
the archival accuracy of the daily record.
42(*) REVISED Open Trails.
Archival Data Attached Below.
42/102(*) REVISED Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for April 10, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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