One of Our Pet Peeve’s - V2

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One of Our Pet Peeve’s - V2

Post by T360 »



While there is a reference below to the cost/value
relationship between ski/board tuning and lift ticket
costs, it’s even more dramatic to compare the value
of a tuneup when considering the whole cost of a
destination travel ski holiday.

This little rant below goes hand-in-hand with an
chair lift exchange we had one day with a really
nice person from Cleveland Ohio, U.S.A. who had
driven up with a buddy for a spontaneous snowboard
holiday at Tremblant. We were riding up the Duncan
Quad so about 8 minutes worth summarized.

How’s your trip going?

Great, but I’m finding it a little icy.

Really, long ago were your edges done?

Oh, no idea, this was my Dad’s old board.
He hadn’t used it in about the last 5 years
or so and I just grabbed it out of the corner
of the basement on the way out the door.


In the meantime, our old Atomic SL’s that had
a tune about 8 or 9 days prior were carving
like a Surgeon with a sharp scalpel.

We looked at his edges when we got to the top
and they were as sharp as a golf ball with rust
pit marks that could have been made with a 9 iron.

I told him he was crazy if he didn’t take it into
the ski shop that night, he looked at me sheepishly
and with an embarrassed red face said, “ya you’re
probably right...”

Trip cost 1500USD, tuning cost roughly 30. bucks CDN

This is a no-brainer folks... get your stuff tuned, before you hit the slopes.

T360.101.Ski.Tuning.Utility.Rant.a.jpg (629.78 KiB) Viewed 1155 times

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