97(*) Open Trails.
Tremblant Is...
High Performance Traction Action!
Weather Notes:
Multiple Big Weather Changes Starting Right Now.
---------- 1.17/18/19.25 - Supplemental Weather Forecast Data: --------------
We are really lucky on this one because at Base level Zero C,
everything up over naturally cooler Mountain elevations is
cool enough to produce only snow, and lots of it, but....
That’s only phase 1.
Phase 2... Hello Polar Vortex.
Conditions Notes:
In The Groomed:
Starting off at very fine, however evolving to complex
and potentially highly variable as a consequence of
heavy snowfall and busy weekend traffic.
In terms of the “Heavy Snowfall” part, this can generate
2 principle elevations of risk. The first is the reduction in
easy control when surfaces may become thick and tracked
up or mogul’d. The second is vision, temps at elevations
should remain just below zero C, however densely falling
snow so close to Zero C is typically damp and can obscure
vision by plastering goggle lens, as well as by blocking
clear views ahead.
------- Conditions Caveat: ---------------
Scan, scan, scan... Shared skill level use combined with
your speed and the sudden, unpredictable actions of
Beginners, in this case in a snow storm, can result in
close calls or contact.
Use slow speeds and allow wide passing margins
in all open terrain below your skill level. Just because
you’re fast, does not give you any passing right-of-way.
Everyone below you, or beside you if you are passing,
does have the right-of-way and you may not pass or
overtake without complete deference.
“They Cut Me Off” and “Get Out Of My Way”
Are Illegal Phrases At A SkI Resort.
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades and Un-Groomed:
New snow will both improve and add challenge to conditions.
Be careful, watch out for trees and don’t “I Dare You” drag any
of your non-Expert friends into the bush.
Hello Weekend Guests!
Be sure to consult with the unique Info.Ski Crews
to optimize your days on the Mountain!
97/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for January 18, 2025, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
Scan, Scan, Scan...
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