Please Note: Trail Re-Name To Erik Guay.
In Honour Of Tremblant’s FIS Downhill World Cup Gold Medal
Champion Erik Guay this trail has been re-named.
We will reconfigure this trail info. at some future point, however,
for Historical Perspective we will retain the “Grand Prix” reference
for either old Tremblant Skiers who have difficulties with name changes
and/or, for future historians who come across antique pictures labeled
“Grand Prix” who are confused when they can not find it on future Trail
Erik Guay, formerly Grand Prix, is a single Black Diamond.
View from top of Flying Mile Quad Chair.
The 2 runs to the right of Grand Prix are
#14, Zig Zag and # 13, Vertige
Trail # 12, Grand Prix.
Located top centre of this trail map sample.
Grand Prix is accessible from 2 sides. The most common
route would be a left turn from the first 50 metres of La Crete...
Sorry for the grainy blowup, however "Grand Prix" is shown
here as the 5th trail on Versant Sud sign, screen left.
On a line almost directly, but just slightly to the left
below the Summit flag pole, there is a trail sign, just outside
this shot above. It is the sign shown in the pic below on the right
side and Grand Prix is listed first, right below the red
"Versant Sud" header.
This route takes you "around the front" past the entrances to #13 Vertige
and # 14 Zig-Zag.
You can also get to it from the very top of Beauvallon, when there
is sufficient snow to allow entry from this side.
Sharp-eyed readers may notice the incorrect label on this
picfile above, it's Grand Prix, not Alpine, sorry about that...
Still a nice telephoto of Gran Prix's upper pitch, groomed and fast!
Trail # 12 Erik Guay, Formerly "Grand Prix", South Side
Trail # 12 Erik Guay, Formerly "Grand Prix", South Side
The Team