100/102(*) Open Trails At #Tremblant .
From Winter To Spring, In About 6 Hours...
Weather Notes:
Some American weather forecasters are calling
this gigantic continental system “The Death Of Winter”
as temps as far north as Chicago may touch into
the 90’s F. Thank goodness for all those really
cold cycles of recent days, especially the nighttime
lows, that have put a huge cold reserve of stored
frost reserve/refrigerant into the core mass of
the Mountain.
Fortunately, most of the extremes of this system
currently appear to be focused slightly to the west
so we may escape the intensity that could have
been really damaging. Look at the overnight lows
in the 14 day long range to see where the stabilizing
influence is.
The fact of the matter is though, that there are
significant daytime highs and even though we
think the trail base should have great durability,
on the surface, there are likely going to be some
very “firm” mornings.
Keep your edges sharp folks...
--------------- Environment Canada Special Weather Statement: -------------------
Foggy/Sunny, No Matter What...
The Default Is Groomed Smooth.
Conditions Notes:
Big, Big Changes Throughout Open Hours...
To everything.
In The Groomed:
48 Hours ago, it was -17C, following many
sequential sub-zero C overnights and that cold
has not gone anywhere, even for today.
The softness will be more evident on Versant
Sud/South Side and Soleil sectors for sure, but
we don’t think it should penetrate much beyond
a few shallow inches/cm’s, and the Nord/North
side to a lesser degree.
Tomorrow may be a different situation, but for
today, enjoy it while you can.
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:
Going from froze to easy soft, but remember...
Some hazards are not visible from above, so
slow, cautious, deliberate and very careful
explorations are absolutely necessary.
Some Will Love It...
Some May Not....
Either way...
From Bump-Fest To Carve-Fast, Fuddle Duddle
has it’s own unique attributes and as of right
now, the Carve-Fast group get to enjoy the
rhythm of the topography here which is
excellent in its own way.
100/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for February 27, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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2/27/24 #Tremblant Conditions
2/27/24 #Tremblant Conditions
The Tremblant360.com Team