3/10/24 #Tremblant Conditions

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3/10/24 #Tremblant Conditions

Post by T360 »


74(*) Open Trails At #Tremblant .

------------ 6:59 P.M. Apres Ski Insert Update: ------------------

77(*) REVISED Open Trails.

Archival Data Attached Below.

Please Note: This revision occurred sometime mid-day
and is included herein for daly recorded open trail accuracy.


For Best Results Today...

For visiting March Break guests, consults with the unique
Tremblant Info.Ski Crews can be a tremendously effective
way of optimizing your days on the slopes. You get decades
of local knowledge packed into every recommendation they

www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
3.10.24.For.Your.Info.Ski.Snowy.Summit.Consults.PB.124.c.jpg (1.07 MiB) Viewed 894 times

In and of itself, today is a seasonal ‘Game Changer”.

After a whacky-early premature spring hot cycle
that depleted trail base reserves right across the
ski resorts throughout the whole of Eastern North
America, to get such an abundant single serving
of natural snowfall here at Tremblant is exactly
what we need to reset/kickstart conditions.

It is way too early to speculate on how much of
a reset it is because A) it has not stopped snowing
yet, and B) we don’t know exactly where and how
the depths of the new snow are going to finally
be integrated into what was left of the previous
base. Point “B” will only become evident in the
following 2 to 4 days because it may take that
long to integrate this heavy, thick, deep, very
humid, ballistic-grade snowball snow into the
groomed base.

In the meantime, today is already a very significant
and challenging workout in the construction-grade
density of this new very typically warm spring snowfall,
however that same construction-grade quality will add
immeasurable value to the groomed trail base reset that
should occur over the next 2 to 4 days of escalating
refinement over the entire range of front-side skill levels.

Weather Notes:

The complexities of today are going to be the consequence
of temps floating above and below Zero C, when combined
wind and elevation effects on both temps and drifting

Many, many wild cards... however we do feel there is
significant probability that due to cooler winds aloft,
well over the Mountain’s Summit, that we may see
all snow, all day.

3.10.24.Weather.Data.a.jpg (1.32 MiB) Viewed 885 times

------------ Environment Canada Heavy Snowfall Warning: ------------

3.9.24.Weather.Data.b.jpg (1.14 MiB) Viewed 902 times


Conditions Notes:

In The Groomed:

Frequently very, very challenging because last nights
grooming was in many cases done before the snow
fell at peak volume. This has generated some skill
level requirements that are above the rated/posted
signage due to very thick and tracked irregular depths.

It Is Essential... to work up from lower challenges.

In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:

There is significantly restored potential in
these groups. Please See Immediate Below:

As pristine as this looks below, it is not easy
because of the moist, super dense, close to
thick as a brick consistency. It will respond
well to traffic, however the mogul formations
will generate quickly when opened. If, if if...
we are very lucky, this trail and its adjacent
neighbours may get groomed.

------------- 9:01 A.M Insert Update: ------------

www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
3.10.24.Nord.North.Marie.Claude.Asselin.Bas.Lower.Sous.Bois.Observations.Potential.c.jpg (1.38 MiB) Viewed 786 times

--------------- 9:08 A.M. Insert Update: --------------------

Devils River is shown as groomed, however in this T360
fan submitted photo at 9:08 A.M. this morning, you can
very clearly see that any grooming here was well before
the heaviest snowfall buildup.

The Expert level skier who sent the pic also stated that
“snowplow” turns were necessary from time-to-time
to overcome thick sticky and very physically heavy
snow depths at lower maneuvering speeds.

www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
3.10.24.Nord.North.Devils.River.Weather.Conditions.Observations.At.9.08.AM.a.jpg (1.42 MiB) Viewed 866 times

--------------- 11:33 A.M. Insert Update: -----------------

Very very unusual to see a groomer parked on any trail
so it could be anything from preparation for immediate
work Apres Ski, or even a mechanical issue. One of
the most reassuring aspects of the conditions here
is the presence of well compacted surfaces without
heavy thickness or tracking.

www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
www.Tremblant360.com photo. All rights reserved.
3.10.24.Sud.South.Nansen.Bas.Lower.Conditions.Observations.Below.Tam.Tam.Groomer.Ready.a.jpg (1.42 MiB) Viewed 846 times


74/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 10, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
3.10.24.Trail.Status.Data.a.jpg (564.52 KiB) Viewed 902 times

------------ 6:59 P.M. Apres Ski Insert Update: ------------------

77(*) REVISED Open Trails.

Archival Data Attached Below.

Please Note: This revision occurred sometime mid-day
and is included herein for daly recorded open trail accuracy.

77/102(*) REVISED Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 10, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
3.10.24.Trail.Status.Data.b.jpg (563.29 KiB) Viewed 782 times

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