90/102(*) Open Trails.
Super Sunny Spring!
For those with the interest:
If you scroll back to the virtually identical location shot
on Tiguidou from 3.7.24(included in the 3/9/24 Daily
Report), you will instantly be able to see the substantial
and very positive difference to coverage over this exact
zone from the new snowfall.
Weather Notes:
National Winter Weather Data Point -
Statistically speaking we have officially reached a very dubious
record which is “The Warmest Winter In Canada Ever Recorded.”
While it has meant for an easy winter to dress for and work
outdoors in, it is not a good thing on an overall basis for the
obvious reasons and future implications of sustainable climate
stability. Is it just a singular anomaly or are we really going to
see continuing trends? At the very least it could be one major
part of an explanation for the reality of the daily conditions
experience this season.
T360 supports and encourages all travelling guests to make the
smallest possible carbon footprint to get to the Mountain as there
is consensus amongst climatologists that human activity, primarily
the burning of fossil fuels for transportation, that is a component
within the co-factors mix.
------------- 3.13.24 Supplementary Weather Data: -------------
Conditions Notes:
In The Groomed:
Predominantly very fine, with individual
examples of good where there may some
icy substrates, to excellent where there
are vast expanses of pristine corduroy.
Very much a classic Spring Skiing daily
profile coming from a Sub-Zero C overnight
to a sunny, warm “+” Plus C, 24 hour cycle,
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:
Classic daily evolving from overnight refroze
to warm afternoon sun-soaked super soft
spring. Take another look at the Versant Soleil
Tiguidou lead photo above and imagine your
thrills of exquisite marshmallow lines for a
whole afternoon.
-------------- 2:47 P.M. Insert Update: ---------------
Web Cams may never win many awards for photography
but that doesn’t mean they can’t capture shots with
inherent beauty. This below is the left, fixed extension
of the view above and we are including it here for the
sake of the striking panorama that it is capable of
capturing. It should be noted that this is not the way
the image comes straight out off the screen, it has been
very quickly run through a Mac image process where
contrast, highlights, colour balance, brightness,
sharpness and size have been modified to generate
an enhanced final product.
90/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 13, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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