86/102(*) Open Trails.
Starts Sunny... Ends With A Question Mark?
Weather Notes:
Due to the light precip. icons, there’s a really good
chance that Mountain elevations will not see any
of the wet bits in the hourly afternoon profile because
these types of active weather tend to be dimensionally
small within the region, move quickly across the area,
and have a high probability of being only at ground levels.
On the last point regarding ground levels, we’ll have a
lot better idea on that if we see a low cloud ceiling over
the Summit.
It’s Definitely “Spring”...
Conditions Notes:
In The Groomed:
There may be an initial icy tendency due to
overnight lows dipping just below Zero C, but
with a rapid rise in daytime temps it should not
take too long to soften up so we think the typical
spring skiing performance should be in place by
around 11:00 A.M.
In The Sous Bois/Hors Piste/Glades And Un-Groomed:
Lots of early wild cards but by lunch hour the
shift to full spring mode should be well under
way with the promise of great technical spring
skiing across all the open zones of these categories
throughout the afternoon. Any mid-day increase in
the humidity is likely to accelerate the process,
especially in the top 5cm’s of surface depths
which might make the overall consistency seem
more even throughout the irregular topography
within any given descent lines.
--------------- 2:07 P.M. Insert Update: --------------
It is not rainy, and it is not too busy either!
We called for the no rainy, but we’re a bit surprised
at the not busy, this is the first day of a traditionally
very well attended long weekend at the end of the
Ontario March Break so we really thought there
would be more out. Where are you?
86/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for March 15, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
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