FAQ Tremblant Winter Temperatures

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FAQ Tremblant Winter Temperatures

Post by T360 »

This is a perfect example of a Frequently Asked Question we've
gotten almost countless times over the decades by friends or
referrals who've never skied here before.

"We've heard it can be cold at Tremblant?"


Tremblant 30 Year Average Daily High Temps:

November: +2.9C = 37.22F
December: -4.5C = 23.9F
January: -7.5C = 18.5F
February: -4.6C = 23.72F
March: +1.8C = 35.24F
April: +9.7C = 49.46F

(Stats Courtesy of The Weather Network.)


A) Tremblant's averages are not overly cold,
however not every day is average, some are colder,
some are warmer. You need to be ready for both,
which is surprisingly easy to do with Layers, Vents
and Overlaps.

B) Anywhere it's cold enough to have "Winter",
at least enough "Winter" to justify a "Ski Resort",
can have very cold days.


A) Tremblant's winter air masses tend to have
less humidity and feel drier, which many people
seem to prefer.

B) Drier, colder snow has "Squeaky" audio characteristics
when compressed under load as traversed by foot, on skis
or snowboard. This gives it exceptionally high levels of
mechanical grip, and low resistance, which is ideal for
Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding.

"Yeah, but we've heard it can get really cold

Sure, it can be, but the secret is...
it's easy to handle if you prepare with these three words:


More on those later, but first, here are the facts:

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Screen shot 2011-09-20 at 4.42.00 AM.png (53.65 KiB) Viewed 11183 times

The above temperatures are for the daily ranges of
average monthly day-time highs, night-time lows.

The bottom line on the stat's is that while extremes can happen
BOTH high and low beyond the stat's above, on average we do not
see more than between 6 to a dozen really cold days in a season,
they rarely run for more than 2,3 or 4 at a time and most of the lows
occur in the middle of the night when we're not skiing!

Beyond the numbers...

Standing at the bar at any Ski Resort, Apres Ski stories of
just how cold it may have been way back when, are numerous
and tend to become more dramatic as the evening and the beer
wear on. Tremblant is no exception, we even have some of those
stories ourselves, but no matter who's telling them, there's usually
lots of joking and laughing going on, not to mention literally much
bragging about surviving and just how tough the story tellers are.

Equally fair to point out that there is not one single Eastern skier
that has not had a run-in with a "January Thaw".

The point is, experienced Skiers and Boarders alike are highly adaptive
and are prepared for both. What we say:

“Them who adapts the quickest, has the most fun!”

Once again,

The Secret to All Temperature Tremblant Comfort:


The most versatile ski-wear has detachable inner/outer layers,
long or multiple torso/arm/leg zippered vents, and significant
overlaps. These features can be combined with, or will
accommodate additional inner insulation base layers that the
Skier/Boarder can utilize on an a la carte basis to fine-tune
the overall performance for the daily temperature range expected.

Most hoods are counter-productive to head warmth as
at descent speeds they act as scoops to redirect captured
forward air pressure down the back of the inner jacket.
No hood known can be effectively sealed around the face
for more than a few moments before movement creates
gaps that can allow cold air migration into the jacket.
This is especially important for little kids where parents
mistakenly send them out thinking and relying on a hood
that is actually doing the opposite when the kid is in motion.

Hand coverings are also very important and whether you prefer
mitts or gloves, be sure to over-size them in order to allow
a loose fit that permits noticeable inner air space. Tight hand
wear transmits cold, inner air space preserves warmth.


Last bumped by T360 on Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:54 pm.
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