4/14/24 #Tremblant Conditions

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4/14/24 #Tremblant Conditions

Post by T360 »


18(*) Open Trails On Versant Nord/North Side Summit-To-Base Open Terrain .

Official 2023/24 Winter Ski Season Closing Day.

Please Note: Access To Versant Sud/South Side Resort Base
Via Gondola Upload And Download Only.

Just In Time Fresh Snowfall !!!

All Day Yesterday(4.13.24), It Snowed Over Mountain Elevations!!!

Remember This!

Spring Skiing At Tremblant!

C.P. photo. All rights reserved.
C.P. photo. All rights reserved.
4.10.24.Nord.North.Super.Soft.Superieur.Spring.Skiing.Smiles.CP.Pic.a.jpg (1.43 MiB) Viewed 1532 times

Notwithstanding Yesterday’s Fresh, New Snow,

A Short Editorial On The Topic Of...

"Ignore The Naysayers”.

The obviously happy person you see above
was actually discouraged from attending by
a “Glass-Half-Empty” acquaintance who for
reasons we’re not exactly sure about, made
a deliberate effort to persuade this person
both that there was not much open and that
the spring skiing quality was not good.

au contraire...

We are happy to be able to provide the above
photo showing not only this sample of the classic,
superb spring skiing conditions that have been
available at Tremblant, but the spontaneous
expression of joy in the moment that can be
seen in the smile of our enthusiastic friend who
ignored the bad advice, came out anyway and
has had a series of fantastic spring skiing days.

The point is that there will always be something
for everyone in the array of open spring terrain
and that you should never miss any opportunity
to have an amazing day of fun and fitness on
the slopes!

---------------- 10:37 A.M. Insert Update: ----------------

Absolutely extraordinary to have fresh snowfall to the
point of visible tree bough accumulations for the Official
closing day on April 14!!!

4.14.24.Weather.Conditions.Observations.At.10.37.AM.a.jpg (1.27 MiB) Viewed 1502 times


Weather Notes:

We routinely provide regional, continental and global supplementary
weather data for contextual geo-historic purposes. In this case what
we would like to point out is that despite the warming trends our
planet is experiencing, Tremblant’s northern latitude has still produced
a winter of 457 cm’s total seasonal snowfall accumulation compared to
28 year average of just around 439cm’s. We continue to theorize that
when it comes to reliable winter weather, “North” will statistically favour
both overall snowfall accumulations as well as the quality that is the
consistent result of fewer intermittent thermal events that may be more
common for Tremblant’s regional peers that are “South”.

-------------- 4.14.24 Supplementary Global Weather Data Span 1850/2024: ------------

(Please Note: For Expanded Zoom-in Detail of Stat’s Graphics
you may be advised to click on image for “Open In New Window”
if your device supports/provides that option.)

4.14.24.Supplementary.Global.Weather.Data.Span.1850.2024.a.jpg (1.04 MiB) Viewed 1338 times

-------- 4.14.24 - Supplementary 28 Year Seasonal Snowfall Totals/Average Stat’s: ----------------

Please Note:

A) In the last 12 years we have only had 2 seasons with
below average snowfall.

B) The average seasonal snowfall accumulation totals
are RISING(see graphic following below) at Tremblant.

All things considered, those are important and impressive
observations that we have elaborated on as an identifiable,
upwardly trending pattern of above average snowfall within
articles we have written in our Tremblant Geographic section
as far back as 2018(**).

(**)After you have finished reading this journal date, see Sample
Article(scroll within this link below, down to rising annual
snowfall totals at Tremblant “Coincidence” or “Trend”?) @:


4.14.24.Seasonal.Snowfall.Stats.Averages.Update.a.jpg (1.01 MiB) Viewed 1195 times

Observational/Theoretical summary on this point:

Basically, as Global Warming has been occurring, that moderating
effect on the temp’s at Tremblant(that have historically been on
the cool side), have slightly elevated overall winter temps into
more ideal Mother Nature natural snowfall ranges, more often.
So-far, that’s meant rising totals of more annual average snowfalls.


For today specifically...

As well as a wonderfully winter-like, very rare
for April 14, fresh snow in the tree boughs super
photogenic morning...

There is a high degree of probability that there
may be no rain at all over Mountain elevations.
This hourly profile suggests that the active
weather is in small rapidly transiting bands
within the region, not necessarily anywhere
near the Mountain, and usually close to ground
levels within lower valley zones. Maybe.
We could be wrong but for the sake of the
closing day for the Official season, we hope not!

4.14.24.Weather.Data.a.jpg (1.46 MiB) Viewed 1530 times

Visualize This!

Spring Skiing At Tremblant!

C.P. photo. All rights reserved.
C.P. photo. All rights reserved.
4.10.24.Sud.South.McCulloch.Views.Sunny.Views.Over.Lac.T.CP.Pic.a.jpg (1.4 MiB) Viewed 1523 times

------------- 2:47 P.M Insert Update: ---------------

So-far, so dry...

It may be rainy somewhere, but not here, not yet!

4.14.24.Weather.Conditions.Observations.At.2.47.PM.a.jpg (1.01 MiB) Viewed 1424 times

------------- 4:17 P.M Insert Update: ---------------

On any given day it can take up to 10 to 20 minutes for everyone
to clear off the Summit at last run and you can see the cameras
come out for selfies and group shots, but on the last run of the
last day, the most enthusiastic of the die hard ski/board fans will
take even longer, savouring every last second as the realization
hits home that’s it’s going to be a long time until next November
before we can feel the snow under skis again...

4.14.24.Seasons.Last.Run.Weather.Conditions.Observations.At.4.17.PM.a.jpg (1.06 MiB) Viewed 1408 times


Conditions Notes:

With a significant initial variation generated by the
the overnight Summit that got down to -2C, and
Base levels forecast to get up to +11 C, today may
eventually may most likely be a similar to yesterday's mix
of firm to soft groomed surfaces from top-to-bottom
on the open Versant Nord/North Side terrain. From the
point of the eventual softening, we think it should be a
repeat where the temp differences at Base Levels between
Sud/South and Nord/North are typically around -3 C
cooler on the Nord/North, so there is another real possibility
that the skiing today could be exceptionally fine high
performance spring snow that is “Goldilocks Snow”,
i.e. not too soft, and not too firm, just right in the
middle... with some extended stability from that
overnight cold.

As a totally unexpected bonus, if the precip. that fell
as snowfall yesterday remains intact without excessive
saturation, today could actually be another fly under the
radar day of unique end-of-season excellence.

Merci, Thank You Tremblant Mountain Op’s !!!!

Fantastic efforts over a winter with periodic weather challenges!!!

(##) For additional cross-referenced detail/example,
see our 3/13/24 daily report “Weather Notes” section.

18/102(*) Open Trails on the Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions
for April 14, 2024, Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
Archival Copy of Official Open<br />Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
Archival Copy of Official Open
Trails, Grooming, Snowmaking, Lift Status and Mountain Conditions Courtesy of Tremblant.ca
4.14.24.Trail.Status.Data.a.jpg (607.21 KiB) Viewed 1533 times

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